LMS Stanier 5XP Jubilee class 4-6-0 no. 5604 Ceylon
When I found this model, I was fairly sure in my mind that it had been factory built and painted by DJH from one of their superb kits. Now, since getting it home and being able to examine it closely, I am not so sure. It has been built from a DJH kit and superbly painted in the post war LMS crimson lake livery. Notice that the number on the cab side is in the higher position than other red Jubilees that are on this website, and that the shading to the lettering and numbers is yellow rather than gold. All pointers to it being in a post war livery and out of the ordinary. The wheels are Slaters and the motor and gears are a top quality ABC unit. The current collection is from the tender by a spring on the drawbar. Both are again unusual for the DJH factory, who usually use a chain driven gear unit and plunger pick-ups. It could be that this is a DJH No. 1 Shop build, which might explain the unusual features. But no provenance is available to support that. Either way, this is a fabulous model, my best Jubilee on these pages to date.