LMS Stanier 5XP Jubilee class 4-6-0 no. 5604 Ceylon

When I found this model, I was fairly sure in my mind that it had been factory built and painted by DJH from one of their superb kits. Now, since getting it home and being able to examine it closely, I am not so sure. It has been built from a DJH kit and superbly painted in the post war LMS crimson lake livery. Notice that the number on the cab side is in the higher position than other red Jubilees that are on this website, and that the shading to the lettering and numbers is yellow rather than gold. All pointers to it being in a post war livery and out of the ordinary. The wheels are Slaters and the motor and gears are a top quality ABC unit. The current collection is from the tender by a spring on the drawbar. Both are again unusual for the DJH factory, who usually use a chain driven gear unit and plunger pick-ups. It could be that this is a DJH No. 1 Shop build, which might explain the unusual features. But no provenance is available to support that. Either way, this is a fabulous model, my best Jubilee on these pages to date.

LSWR Drummond M7 class 0-4-4T no. 125.

LSWR Drummond M7 class 0-4-4T no. 125.
LSWR Drummond M7 class 0-4-4T no. 125. A top quality model, recently bought from an on-line auction. Professionally built from a DJB kit, with a Portescap RG7 motor and gears unit and Slaters wheels. DJB kits were the top of the range kits of the time before the likes of Martin Finney, Malcolm Mitchell and MOK came onto the scene. With a little effort and skill they build into superb models that carry the looks of the prototype well. The lovely pre-grouping Drummond livery is equal to the quality of the build. Although with no provenance as to the builder, this is an auction buy, bought from an image only, that has paid off for me.

LNER Gresley P2 class 2-8-2 no. 2001 Cock O’ The North

LNER Gresley P2 class 2-8-2 no. 2001 Cock O’ The North
LNER Gresley P2 class 2-8-2 no. 2001 Cock O’ The North. This very impressive model has been skilfully built from scratch, with good quality cast wheels and a Crailcrest motor/gear unit by MSC models. Power collection is by plunger pickups on the driving wheels. A well detailed but at the same time robust model with an equally robust power unit, probably built to be used on an outdoor layout, but judging by its still excellent condition, has spent most of its life in a display cabinet.

BR (ex LSWR) Adams Radial 415 class 4-4-2T no. 30584

BR (ex LSWR) Adams Radial 415 class 4-4-2T no. 30584. I have just acquired this lovely model in an exchange, and when I was told some of it’s history, bells started to ring in my mind. Built from the Martin Finney kit, with Slaters wheels, an ABC motor and gear unit and wiper pickups to the tops of the driving wheels for current collection. I remember this superb model being built. The builder was a very good friend of mine who taught me a lot about 7mm loco modelling, Graham Jaques, now deceased. He had been asked to build it by another good friend Mike Heather, also now deceased. Mike was one of the founder members of the Poachers club in Lincoln and was a very good modeller himself. But he had bought so many kits and his health was not great, he knew that he just would not live long enough to build them all, hense he asked Graham to build this Adams Radial for him. Graham and I used to travel together from Leicester to Lincoln to play trains every third Sunday of the month (I still do). Why am I prepared to sell such a lovely model that means so much to me? Good question.

Midland Railway Johnson 1327 class 4-4-0 no. 1344

Midland Railway Johnson 1327 class 4-4-0 no. 1344
Midland Railway Johnson 1327 class 4-4-0 no. 1344. This model has been beautifully built and painted to a professional standard from the Janick kit, with fully working inside motion. The original loco was built for the Midland Railway by Dubs & Co. of Glasgow in 1877.

Bought from auction recently, the model was not in working order and had only been used for display. The wiper pickups, collecting current from the driving wheels were creating serious shorts on the splashers. Those pickups have now been discarded and replaced with wipers on the tops of the tender wheels. The model now performs superbly and on test at the Poachers track in Lincoln, she was able to haul six bogie coaches with ease. Good going for a 4-4-0.


BR(ER) Thompson A2/3 class 4-6-2 no. 60520 Owen Tudor

BR(ER) Thompson A2/3 class 4-6-2 no. 60520 Owen Tudor
BR(ER) Thompson A2/3 class 4-6-2 no. 60520 Owen Tudor. This lovely model was built from the DJH kit by Graham Varlev, with Slaters wheels, a Portescap RG7 motor and gears unit. Current collection is by plunger pickups. Paintwork is by Larry Goddard and he has signed his name, together with the builder’s name on the underside of the running plate to give absolute provenance. She runs as quietly and as smoothly as she looks.

Great Eastern Railway Holden M15 class 2-4-2T no. 650

Great Eastern Railway Holden M15 class 2-4-2T no. 650
Great Eastern Railway Holden M15 class 2-4-2T no. 650. Expertly built from scratch by Wally Mayhew, with AGH (Alan Harris) wheels and a Portescap RG7 motor and gear unit. The gears drive the front coupled wheelset, which are in fixed bearings. The rear wheelset are free to move vertically in hornblocks. The superb paintwork, who else but Larry Goddard. Wally Mayhew and Wally West were great friends and other Great Eastern Railway models built by them both are featured elsewhere in this website. In the Railway Modeller magazine of January 1971 Wally Mayhew’s Stanley to Stratford St. Andrew layout is featured. No doubt this fabulous model was a regular performer.

LMS Fowler 3P class 2-6-2T no. 64

LMS Fowler 3P class 2-6-2T no. 64
LMS Fowler 3P class 2-6-2T no. 64. A scratch built model, with a silver label on the underside “Lawrence Scale no. 14101”. Also painted on the underside “N & W” and “NW” and signed “L.W.Goddard ’82” who of course is the “artist” who has beautifully painted the model. We believe this model to be built by Derek Lawrence and painted by Larry Goddard in 1982, for Norman Wisendon’s model shop in Greenfield, near Manchester. The wheels are metal castings, the motor is a Mashima and the gears are chunky and robust. Power collection is by wiper pickups from the driving wheels. A lovely heavy scratch built model, over forty years old, built to last and still in superb condition.